When SAS Management Console Fails to Start

It is very rare, but occasionally, such as after an update, SAS® Management Console may fail to start. It is so rare for me that next time it happens I have usually forgotten what I did last time to fix it – hence this post.

Whenever I have seen SAS Management Console not starting correctly, especially when not showing the splash screen, it has usually been a problem with the SAS Private Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or the SAS Versioned JAR Repository (VJR) cache. With a problem like this the best place to start troubleshooting, as is often the case, it is to look at log files. First, try the SAS Management Console client log file SASMCErrorLog.txt. To help find this file see the (now somewhat dated) post Tracking Down the SAS Management Console Log File. On a Windows 10 client it is often in a directory like C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\SAS\SASManagementConsole\9.4 (or %APPDATA%\SAS\SASManagementConsole\9.4). On a Linux machine you will find it in a directory like /home/paul/.SASAppData/SASManagementConsole/9.4. You may see some useful error or warning messages in that log file.

In some cases SAS Management Console may have failed before the SASMCErrorLog.txt file is written, so check the timestamp on the file to see if it is current. If not then have a look for a log file in a location like /home/paul/.SASAppData/SASDeploymentWizard/ (when running on Linux) or C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\SAS\SASDeploymentWizard\ (when running on Windows). There will be a few log files in that directory and one named something like sasmc_2021-03-09-07.29.42.log should contain useful clues.

You may also find the following SAS Communities post useful:
https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Data-Management/I-can-t-Open-SAS-Management-Console-amp-SAS-Data-Integration/m-p/397674/highlight/true#M12137. I posted a few suggestions on that for someone who was having a similar problem where SAS Management Console would not start.

Whenever I have experienced SAS Management Console not starting I have been able to resolve it by deleting the SAS Versioned Jar Repository cache file and letting it get rebuilt next time SAS Management Console starts – see https://support.sas.com/kb/59/113.html and https://support.sas.com/kb/65/191.html

rm /opt/sas94m7/sashome/SASVersionedJarRepository/eclipse/com.sas.app.launcher.cacheFile

I hope you have found this post useful. If you have any comments or suggestions based on your own experiences then please share them by posting a comment below.