Metacoda Plug-ins Batch Interface Setup Utility

This is a short post to let those readers who run or schedule Metacoda Plug-ins in batch know that, with the recent Metacoda Plug-ins 6.1 R1 release, we have published a GitHub repository to help with setup of the Metacoda Plug-ins Batch Interface. You can find this new repository, together with setup instructions, at

Metacoda Plug-in 6.1 HTML Export

The main benefit of this Metacoda Plug-ins Batch Interface Setup Utility is the automation of much of the previous manual work involved in setting up and site-specific tailoring of the batch interface samples. It also includes additional batch exports for Authentication Domains and External Identities (from the new Auth Domain Reviewer and External Identity Manager plug-ins). The Metacoda recommended practice starter tests for SAS metadata security have also been updated.

If you have any questions or comments please let me know by posting below. You can also contact us via the Metacoda contact form or send us an email at Metacoda support.

Java Look & Feel with SAS Management Console on Linux

As someone who specialises in SAS® metadata security, I spend a lot of time using the Authorization tab in SAS Management Console. I also use Linux a great deal. When I run SAS Management Console on Linux, I’ve noticed that the check box background colours on the Authorization tab don’t render correctly (for me at least). I only ever see white background check boxes when I expect to also see green and gray ones: green indicating an ACT; white indicating an ACE; and gray indicating indirect. These colours are important indicators for the source of access controls so not being able to see them is a problem!

It occurred to me that I might be able to resolve this by specifying a Java System Property in the sasmc.ini file to change the Java Look & Feel.

I first tried changing the default look & feel (using ‑Dswing.defaultlaf) but that didn’t work. What did work is changing the default system look & feel (with ‑Dswing.systemlaf). Continue reading “Java Look & Feel with SAS Management Console on Linux”