Keyword Bookmark Search with SAS Support

I had noticed recently that when I searched for SAS documentation on Google I wasn’t finding the SAS 9.4 documentation pages I wanted. I tweeted about it, found others had the same issue, and that SAS are working to address it. In the interim, the answer was simple of course … search using instead. However, I’m impatient and am used to just typing my query in the web browser address bar (e.g. sas 9.4 iomserverappender) and then clicking on the first or second link in the search results (when the search query is unique enough). It’s very fast. Finding and clicking a bookmark, waiting for the page to load, locating the search field on the page, typing in the query, clicking the submit button, waiting for the search results page to load, and clicking on the right link …. well that’s quite a bit more work! ;) [#FirstWorldProblems]

So, I’ve switched to using another method where I can keep typing my SAS 9.4 documentation search in the browser address bar AND use at the same time. It might even work out better than before.

In Chrome/Chromium you can add search engines with keywords (right click over the address bar and select Edit search engines… from the context menu):

Chrome Search Engines with SAS Support

In Firefox you have keyword searches via bookmarks: Continue reading “Keyword Bookmark Search with SAS Support”

Did I add that CA Certificate to the SAS Trusted CA Bundle?

Sometimes I forget whether I’ve added our internal site root and intermediate CA certificates to the Trusted CA Bundle that SAS® Software applications use. Sometimes I also forget the command I can use to find out whether I did! ;) As is often the case with my blog posts, by jotting things down here, I can find them again either by searching this blog, or more likely, by remembering I wrote it when I see it turn up in Google search results!

If you use site-signed certificates from your own internal CA in your SAS platform installations then you’re probably already familiar with adding them to the Trusted CA Bundle using the SAS Deployment Manager (see the Manage Certificates in the Trusted CA Bundle Using the SAS Deployment Manager section in the Encryption in SAS® 9.4 book for more info).

If you want to find out what CA certificates are already in that bundle you can use the Java keytool command like so:

/opt/sas94m5/sashome/SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment/9.4/jre/bin/keytool -list -keystore /opt/sas94m5/sashome/SASSecurityCertificateFramework/1.1/cacerts/trustedcerts.jks -storepass changeit

It generates a long list of CA certs, so I pipe it through grep to look for the ones I want:

/opt/sas94m5/sashome/SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment/9.4/jre/bin/keytool -list -keystore /opt/sas94m5/sashome/SASSecurityCertificateFramework/1.1/cacerts/trustedcerts.jks -storepass changeit | grep -i metacoda

If you want more details on the certificates you can Continue reading “Did I add that CA Certificate to the SAS Trusted CA Bundle?”